LAFONT by Mediterranean Essence Pure Argan Oil 50ml


Mediterranean Essence Pure Argan Oil, es un aceite de argán ecológico. Made in Spain.

지중해 에센스 스페인 유기농 아르간 오일.

LAFONT by Mediterranean Essence pure argan oil


Lafont by Mediterranean Essence. Aceite de argan ecologico sin grasa y sin olor. Es un cuidado antienvejecimiento completo: regenera, reestructura, nutre y protege la piel. Excelente corrector de las carencias en acidos esenciales. Lafont reactiva las funciones vitales de la piel, trata eficazmente la deshidratacion* y la flacidez de los tejidos restaurando la capa hidrolipitica. Gracias a su excepcional riqueza en vitamina E, un potente antioxidante, la epidermis combate eficazmente contra los radicales libres que causan el envejecimiento de la piel. Con el uso de Lafont, la piel se tonifica, recupera la elasticidad y la suavidad y la tez se ilumina.

*hidratacion de las capas superiores de la epidermis.

El 100% de los ingredientes proceden de agricultura ecologica

Otros productos de Olive oil Medirerranean Essence.


Aplicar unas gotas por la mañana o noche sobre cara, cuello y escote, evitando el contorno de ojos. Masajear suavemente hasta su completa absorción.


Acidos Grasos Esenciales (AGE) 80%. Omega 3, Omega 6 y Omega 9. (50% de Acido Linoleico, 15% de Acido Alfa Linoleico, 12% de Acido Oleico, 1% de Acido Araquidónico, 3% de Acido Gamma Linoleico). Tocoferol (vitamina E). Phytosteroles (D-7 steroles).

Mediterranean Essence Pure Argan Oil은 MADE IN SPAIN이며 건과특유의 향기가 나지 않는 무향 100% 유기농, 100% 내츄럴 아르간 오일입니다.

흡수력이 아주 빠르며 얼룩을 남기지 않습니다. 지방 관리 효과가 뛰어나 건성 피부뿐 아니라 지성피부에도 사용이 가능합니다.


Lafont by Mediterranean Essence. Organic argan oil without fat and odorless. It is a complete anti-aging care: regenerates, restructures, nourishes and protects the skin. Excellent corrector of deficiencies in essential acids. Lafont reactivates the vital functions of the skin, effectively treats dehydration* and flaccidity of the tissues, restoring the hydrolipidic layer. Thanks to its exceptional richness in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, the epidermis effectively fights against free radicals that cause skin aging. With the use of Lafont, the skin is toned, regains its elasticity and smoothness, and the complexion is illuminated.

* hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis.

100% of the ingredients come from organic farming



Apply a few drops morning or night on face, neck and décolleté, avoiding the eye contour. Massage gently until completely absorbed.


Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) 80%. Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. (50% Linoleic Acid, 15% Alpha Linoleic Acid, 12% Oleic Acid, 1% Arachidonic Acid, 3% Gamma Linoleic Acid). Tocopherol (vitamin E). Phytosterols (D-7 sterols).

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